Not what you might expect. The first "D" pertains to Derecho. That is the official meteorological name for "really fast straight line winds that tear all sorts of shit up". That's what hit the Southern Illinois area recently. Power was restored to most on Wednesday/Thursday. This storm brought out its share of douche-nozzles (dudes with poster board signs on their trucks charging old ladies $900 to remove a single limb from her yard), but for the most part people were agreeable. Ameren did a kick ass job getting power back on considering the conditions they had to work with and the severity of the damage. Internet is still down...looking at you mediacom.
The second "D" should stand for "Don't forget you notebook when you come up with a clever idea for a blog post so you can remember what you're going to write about." I had a second D planned, I promise. It was clever too, you should have seen it.
On unrelated notes, Aerion has been looking at how the grown-ups run their 40k events, and he (and warlock) like what they see. We'll probably be taking what we like from their systems to create our own. We'll probably try and make an easy one page summary for comments/criticisms. Also, due to kick-ass models and idtiots on FEE-bay selling forgeworld stuff for what amounts to a 20% discount on the already bargain basement USD/GBP exchange rate, I have acquired some Death Korps of Krieg models. I will, most likely, be selling off my extensive Cadian style Imperial Guard infantry at some point and I am certainly putting an indefinate hold on "Operation Space Marine". Because of that, I have some (3) space marine commander boxes, (1) space marine command squad box, (3) space marine drop pod boxes, (4) boxes of space marine assault terminators, (1) unassembled set of five regular terminators, (3) squads of Black Reach Marines, & (2) Black Reach Dreadnoughts that I need to unload along with the bits for a crap-ton (20+) of assault troops that I need to unload. I also have an impressive bits collection in general for space marines, so spread the word. And as a general reminder to all, I have $300 worth of Tau that needs to get gone. Daddy is looking to unload power armor and the Cadian "can do" attitude for rebreathers, mechanized trench warfare, & a grim willingness to die in the Emperor's service that only the cloned fatalists of Krieg can provide. What Korps? Death Korps!
Review: Mechanicum Heavy Support Force
12 hours ago
D&D??.. you ment ADD
And I thought my Attention Deficit Disorder was bad.
Good luck building a forge world army.. some where I fear to tread..
Guess I better start counting Termy parts to see how many I'm shy on my Titanhammer squads. I'm happy about the Death Korps, but I'm sad that marines had to die. I was so looking forward to finally seeing some Salamanders up close and smouldering.
They're not dead, just on indefinate hold. I can't say when I'll be satisfied with the Death Korps, so I can't really say when I'll be able to move onto the Salamanders. No sense keeping models on the shelf when I could use the money for the Korps.
Get em while they're hot boys! The assualt troops & command squad box have found a home. Still working on the other 99%...
Hey, I also forgot my 2 squads of Black Reach Terminators & 2 Black Reach Commanders...I had more marine stuff than I thought. Of course, I also had 3 Rhinos but they sold last night, along with one of the Black Reach Tactical Squads and a Dreadnought. The Tau have also sold, so don't get your hopes up there either!
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