DieCon 11, June 3-5, 2011 @ Gateway Center Collinsville, IL
Tournament length:
5 rounds: 3 rounds Sat June 5th and 2 rounds on Sunday June 6th.
Tournament :
Begins at 10am (1000 hrs) on Sat June 5th and Sunday June 6th. Please be on time.
Army Size:
Warhammer 40K 2000 pts
Five battle points will be awarded to early army submissions. Submit your army list to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it until May 20, 2011.
DieCon 11 pre-registration required to receive bonus. Bring 5 copies of your army list to the tournament for your opponents.
While it is not required to have your army completely painted to participate in this event, it is highly encouraged, and recommended. If you choose to participate in this tournament with an unpainted army, just keep in mind, you will NOT be eligible to win the "Overall Champion" award, nor "Best Appearance". You will however, still be eligible for "Best General", and "Best Sportsman". So, if at all possible, get that army painted, and help us make this tournament not only fun to play in, but amazing to see as well.
Prize Support:
1st Place : $300.00 **
2nd Place : $200.00 **
3rd Place : $100.00 **
Best Appearance, Best General and Sportsmanship awards will be handed out, as well as random prizes on Friday during open gaming of any GW game being played.
See for details.
Gateway Grand Tournament Registration:
$30.00 from now - March 1, 2011 *
$35.00 March 2 - April 17, 2011 *
$40.00 April 18, 2011 - June 5, 2011 *
any info on tourney layout?
mission format?
I don't know anything more than what's posted right now. I'll do some digging and see what I can come up with. Sorry for the delay in my reply, wasn't paying good enough attention.
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