If any of you that read this (all two of you) have some spots you like to go on the internet for tactical or hobby advice on your armies, send me the link and I'll add it to the blog. We've got some team members new to their codex/edition and one is brand new to the game (looking at you veteran Ork & Eldar players here) and I'd like to do what I can to reduce their learning curve.
EDIT: If you see some poor schmuck who's listed on the team roster as "some-X-guy" please inquire as to their prefered internet name. Larry and I reserve the right to veto any dumb names. We have a "no douche names" clause on the Team's by-laws. :)
Review: Mechanicum Heavy Support Force
12 hours ago
Right. Exactly. (We have by-laws? I didn't even know we had LAWS!)
I have found the Tactical Forums on Warseer.com to have some fairly good advice. Just keep in mind that they sometimes go overboard with overpowered cheese lists, that in my opinion aren't much fun to play, either with or against. That said, the basic tactical discussions are a good read for each army.
This is one I don't visit often, but I just noticed they have a "Featured Army" thing going on, and a gallery for you to post pics of your stuff. I'm going to put mine up soon. The site isn't OVERTLY useful, but it's got some entertaining blokes on there.
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