Place: 90th out of 110 teams
Overall Points: 241/499 (48.3%)
Battle Points: 46/240 (19.2%)
Head Count: 15/32 (46.9%)
Command Counters: 16/32 (50%)
Sportsmanship: 56/56 (100%)
Composition: 24/24 (100%)
Theme: 40/45 (88.9%)
Spirit: 5
Army Appearance: 36/60 (60%)
Quiz: 3/10 (30%)
1st Round = 10-Year Lifespan - Tyranids/Imperial Guard/Space Marines (placed 73rd)
2nd Round = Pack-N-Heat - Space Wolves (placed 57th)
3rd Round = Frosty Treats - Space Wolves (placed 38th)
4th Round = Spellbinder - Tau/Tyranids/Eldar/Space Marines (placed 95th)
Clearly, we didn't end up so high on the list. Looking at the breakdown, it's obvious that Battle Points were our weakness. I mean honestly, we scored better (percentage wise) on that hard-ass quiz than we did on getting battle points. Out of 8 games, we accounted for one win and one draw. As far as what to work on, I think that "winning" is certainly on the list. :) We considered our army "half painted", so we hope to gain points in that catagory as well.
The teams we played, for the most part, gave us enjoyable games. We had no experience with the new Tyranids or Space Wolves codexes, and we played some of each in all four rounds. That was troubling to say the least. Two of the teams were primarily teenagers too young to drive. The Space Wolf teams were our age group (30s-40s) and we especially enjoyed those games.
Bottom Line? We got outplayed. We stressed about getting our army put together and painted on time, so we clearly didn't have time to playtest. We didn't know the abilities of our most likely opponents, and so we were easily outclassed. We earned our "Team Snake Eyes" name as well. Three of my four opponents remarked that they had never witnessed anyone roll as poorly as I had done during my games. I refuse to blame my performance on my dice, however, I just think it's funny when I have 13 year old kids shouting "SNAKE!" with me every time I roll yet another one.
We are going back next year. We will be taking the Salamanders (and boy, there weren't a whole lot of codex Space Marines at Adepticon) again, and in spite of our poor showing, we enjoyed our time there.