We've all got something that "does the trick" for us when it comes to inspiration. Do I love Patton? Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Do I love sweet riffs on the electric guitar? My years of camo pants & flannel shirt grunge support in the late eighties/early nineties can attest to that. Patton playing a sweet riff on an electric guitar? Some things are just too awesome to speak of in polite company. This weekend K-Boy is running a Pathfinder game to test the challenge rating of the Asmodeus Mirage scenario. Aparently some folks ran through it in Cape Girardeau and ran screaming from the table. This is, of course, my kind of challenge. For those who may not know, I have been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 27 years. That statement is not a boast of my abilities, rather its a testament to just how much I love the game. The only habits I have participated in for longer are eating and breathing. Both the game and my play style have evolved over the years, running down the long line of traditional stereotypes. I have been a role-player (no larping, that's just not my bag). I have been a roll-player. I always like to "win" the challenge, however, regardless of what that challenge happens to be. So when I hear about something being "hard" or "impossible" or "written only to drive the players before them and hear the lamentation of their women" I am instantly intrigued. The guantlet has been dropped, and I have answered the call. I will enter the fray this weekend playing a non-standard bard, and I expect to have a fantastic time telling all those naysayers how I succeeded where they didn't...and oh yeah, I did it with a bard named Babba Ganoush. ;)
Oh, Larry and I will likely work on our Warhammer 40k project since we're already behind...
Edit (12/15/09): Our party did remarkably well in the Pathfinder scenario. There has been another scenario that caused a stir recently (DM'd by my buddy Partho no less) that routed a group of players. Of course, I must now play it to see for myself, if the scenario was poorly written or if the players were ill prepared. Oh yeah, we didn't get anything done on our Adepticon army, but I have four days until my semester is over...